On the 20th of October, I co-ran another robotics workshop with Mikel (Llewelyn’s son) at Richmond library. We used the Microbit and coded it with MicroPython using Mu. In the previous workshop, we used the Raspberry Pi coded with Python. The game controllers were also different. This time around, Microbit Joysticks were programmed to control the robots.
At the start of the session, Mikel and I gave the students a short briefing about the workshop. We explained what they would be working on; we showed them what a finished robot could look like and what they were supposed to do. After the briefing, everyone enthusiastically gathered the different materials needed for the workshop and started to build the robots.
The materials available to students included:
Everyone worked well together, as they were all put into in pairs. Personally, I don’t mind working with someone I don’t know on a project, it can be a good thing because they might know something that you don’t. I was more than happy to see that a total of 4 out of 10 students were girls, unlike last time when no girls registered for the workshop. Hopefully, in the future, there’ll be even more girls attending.
By the end of the workshop, everyone managed to have a working robot. They all had the chance to test out their robot and some even changed the motor speed to get a faster-moving robot.
Overall I think this robotics workshop ran really smoothly with no stress at all. I would really like to do another one and for it to have the same positive outcome as this one.