• avitcreates@gmail.com

Robot Buggy-Sep 2018

Robot Buggy-Sep 2018

Radio Controlled Robot Buggy using Microbit!

We ’ve had a long & enjoyable summer holiday and it has been a long time since the last coder Dojo but now, we’re back! I kickstarted our first Coder dojo back with roboticsworkshop (Robot buggy ). This particular robot interfaces with the Micro: bit and is controlled via radio signal from a second Microbit using a combination of tilt movements and buttons.

In preparation, I assembled one of the robots to find out if there were any particularly tricky or challenging bits to the build in order to plan for them. The robot has additional features including, a line following sensor & an ultrasonic sensor.

I feel like this workshop was the one that ran the smoothest because everyone was very independent and they all enjoyed the making and the coding part, which made it easier to run. The Robotics workshop was for 10 people. I mentored a table of 5, the other half was run by Ben and Val, who I have mentioned in previous blogs.  They were making a dancing crab robot which grooved when music was played.

When the attendees finished building & coding their robots they had a chance to compete against each other in a maze race. I am glad I included the maze race at the end because it gave them a chance to test out their finished products in a fun and interactive way (they had a chance to have a laugh with each other).

As usual, at the end of every coder Dojo, there was show and tell. I was really pleased that the two girls who attended my workshop joined in with the show and tell session and gave confident presentations about their outcomes. There was also a synchronised dance with Ben & Val’s robots which looked really cool.

Overall I think it went really well and I hope more people will find their confidence and want to show their projects in the future.


Hi, my name is Avye and I love making, coding, designing, exploring new technology and swimming! This site is about the things I get to experience, discover and enjoy. Welcome to my world!

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